Can felons work for airlines?
Can felons work for airlines? If you have been found guilty of a conviction within the last seven years, you will almost always be disqualified from employment at an airport. Certain crimes, such as murder, treason, espionage, and terrorism would prevent you from ever getting a job at an airport.
Can felons fly internationally?
Convicted felons may face travel restrictions that limit their ability to move freely. However, in most cases, felons that have served their sentence can enter other countries, assuming they have a valid passport. There are several exceptions, with some countries explicitly prohibiting felons from going abroad.
What does the airport look for in a background check?
The background investigation will include credit and criminal history checks, records checks to verify citizenship of members, verification of date of birth, education, employment history, and military history.
How far back do airline background checks go?
The past ten years of employment must be reviewed while the most recent five years must be verified in writing, including documentation of date and method of how contact was made. A contact person must also be listed on the record indicating from whom verification information was obtained.
Is it hard to get hired by airlines as a pilot?
Challenging Career Path Most airlines require 1,500 hours of experience before even considering a candidate. This can take several years to obtain, depending on the type of job you get initially. There are ways to fast-track your career, however, and no airline has the exact same hiring standards or process.