Can drug dogs detect Vapes?

Can drug dogs detect Vapes? In addition to training a dog to detect drugs, police dogs can detect other substances as well. One of these substances can include your vape cartridge. Although CBD products are 100% legal, many drug dogs smell vape cartridges due to the cartridge's vape juice containing minimal but legal amounts of THC.

How long can drug dogs smell?

Some drugs can also leave residual odors that dogs do not distinguish from the actual presence of substances, with cannabis buds and hashish leaving the strongest after-odors, all dogs signaled the presence of hashish a day after it was removed from the location, and 80% did so after 48 hours.

Can a drug dog smell a vape?

Yes, drug dogs can smell carts. They can detect vape cartridges and vape pens. However, drug dogs are not trained specifically to find vape cartridges themselves or anything vaping-related like vape juice and vape pens.