Can an airline ask you what your service dog is for?

Can an airline ask you what your service dog is for? A document that categorizes the difference in service animal requirements under different several federal laws suggests that air carriers ask passengers, “What has it been trained to do for you?” or “Would you describe how the animal performs this task (or function) for you?” See ...

How strict are airlines about service dogs?

Airlines cannot refuse to allow your service animal onboard because it makes other passengers or flight crew uncomfortable. Your service animal must behave properly. An animal that engages in disruptive behavior (ex.

Can airlines ask what your disability is?

Generally, airline personnel may not ask what specific disability the person has, but they can ask questions regarding the person's ability to perform specific air travel-related functions, such as boarding, deplaning or walking through the airport.

What if a service dog has to pee on a plane?

People with service dogs need to fill out the Relief Attestation Form if the flight is more than 8 hours long. You have to sign a form saying that your dog will not make a mess on the plane. You can say that your dog can last the whole flight without pooping or peeing.

What is the American with disabilities Act at the airport?

It is unlawful for airport operators and their lessees, tenants, concessionaires and contractors to discriminate against any person because of race, color, national origin, sex, creed or disability.

What disabilities qualify for early airplane boarding?

Re: pre boarding rules Preboarding is available for Customers who have a specific seating need to accommodate their disability and/or need assistance in boarding the aircraft or stowing an assistive device. Customers who are traveling with assistance and emotional support animals qualify for preboarding!

Can airlines refuse you?

Other Reasons You May Be Removed From a Flight
An airline can refuse to transport a passenger for the reasons listed in its contract of carriage, a legal agreement between the passenger and airline, so long as the refusal is not discriminatory, such as: Being intoxicated or under the influence of illegal drugs.

Is it worth complaining to an airline?

Air travel isn't always fun. Things go wrong. And while you're unlikely to get compensated because a summer thunderstorm made your plane late, it's often worth complaining to the airlines and seeing what you can get for your travel inconveniences.