Can Americans go to Pakistan?

Can Americans go to Pakistan? While most eligible travelers can obtain a single-entry Pakistani tourist visa, citizens of the United States can also apply for a double-entry visa for tourism. In order words, US nationals can choose between a single-entry and a double-entry visa, depending on their travel needs and personal circumstances.

What countries can a U.S. passport not go to?

The US passport is recognized by all countries in the world, and while the majority of nations accept US passports for entry, there are a few exceptions and limitations. Some countries that have restrictions on US passport holders are North Korea, Iran, Syria, Yemen, and Libya.

Can Americans travel to Iran?

U.S. passports are valid for travel to Iran. However, the Iranian government does not recognize dual nationality and will treat U.S.-Iranian dual nationals solely as Iranian citizens.

What is the strongest passport in the world?

Singapore has taken first place on the latest Henley Passport Index 2023 rankings. Singaporeans enjoy visa-free access to 192 travel destinations out of 227 worldwide. With Japan falling to third place, three European countries tie in second place: Germany, Italy and Spain with visa-free access to 190 destinations.