Can a US citizen go to Antarctica?

Can a US citizen go to Antarctica? You won't need a visa, but you do need to get permission to set foot on the White Continent. But don't worry! Your trusted polar expedition cruise operator will arrange for all necessary permits. All you need to bring is yourself, your equipment, an average level of fitness and your adventurous spirit!

What is the cheapest way to visit Antarctica?

The cheapest way to visit Antarctica is by cruising on a larger ship that sails by the continent but doesn't let passengers go ashore. Instead, you will sail to the Antarctic Peninsula and into some of the surrounding bays where you will see wildlife, mountains, icebergs, and more. It is truly a magical experience.

How much does Antarctica trip cost?

The average Antarctica cruise cost is about $8,000 per person. The least expensive trips to Antarctica start at under $5,000. Luxury voyages can exceed $15,000 per person.

What are tourists allowed to do in Antarctica?

Activities include sightseeing ship-based cruises, visits to operational scientific stations and historical huts, small boat cruising, visits to wildlife sites and other wilderness sites, hiking, kayaking, mountaineering, camping and scuba-diving.

Can tourists stay in Antarctica?

There are no hotels in Antarctica. All tourist accommodation is aboard expedition ships. Some tour operators include a one-night pre-tour stay in a hotel in Argentina, Chile, New Zealand or Tasmania.