Can a pilot deviate from an ATC clearance without an amendment?

Can a pilot deviate from an ATC clearance without an amendment? Adherence to Clearance When air traffic clearance has been obtained under either visual or instrument flight rules, the pilot-in-command of the aircraft must not deviate from the provisions thereof unless an amended clearance is obtained.

What is the difference between ATC clearance and instruction?

Air Traffic Control CLEARANCE: A clearance is an authorization that allows a pilot to do something. Air Traffic Control INSTRUCTION: An instruction is an action to be executed without delay.

Can a pilot refuse a clearance?

It is up to the pilot to refuse the clearance if, in the pilot's opinion, compliance would adversely affect the operation.

Are ATC instructions mandatory?

Recreational pilots cannot fly in airspace requiring ATC communication, but it's a good idea to learn to use the right words. This knowledge can help them in an emergency, and it helps prepare a recreational pilot for a private pilot certificate, if he decides to continue his training.

Can ATC deny landing?

As long as both parties coordinate and agree, the aircraft can land based on the ATC's chosen direction or the pilot's chosen direction. ATC will usually make sure approaching aircraft are kept aware of the wind conditions so that agreement can be made. Either party can decline/deny the approach and/or landing.

Who is responsible for the ATC clearance?

14 CFR Section 91.3(a) states: “The pilot-in-command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft.” If ATC issues a clearance that would cause a pilot to deviate from a rule or regulation, or in the pilot's opinion, would place the aircraft in jeopardy, IT ...

When can a pilot refuse an ATC instruction?

A pilot may refuse an ATC instruction when it would place the aircraft in danger, or when other action is necessary to meet an emergency. Normally, a pilot wouldn't outright refuse to follow ATC instructions. The ATC system is not an adversarial one… the controller wants to help the pilot.

Can a VFR pilot fly through an active MOA without ATC clearance?

Using agencies and pilots operating in such MOAs should be aware that nonparticipating aircraft may legally operate IFR or VFR without an ATC clearance in these MOAs. Pilots of nonparticipating aircraft may operate VFR in Class G airspace in conditions as low as 1 statute mile flight visibility and clear of clouds.

What happens if a pilot lands without clearance?

The hazards and effects of landing an aircraft on a runway without clearance are essentially the same as for a runway incursion. Increased risk of collision for one or more aircraft on the ground is the predominant concern.