Can a laser blind a pilot?
Can a laser blind a pilot? The most likely scenario is when a bright visible laser light causes distraction or temporary flash blindness to a pilot, during a critical phase of flight such as landing or takeoff. It is far less likely, though still possible, that a visible or invisible beam could cause permanent harm to a pilot's eyes.
Can a pilot be legally blind?
Federal Aviation Regulations require that a pilot's distant vision be 20/20 or better, with or without correction, in EACH eye separately to hold a first or second class medical certificate. The standard for near visual acuity (16?) is 20/40 in each eye separately.
Can pilots actually see anything at night?
If you ever gazed at the window during a night flight, you'll be welcomed by pitch black darkness. That's why most passengers wonder– how do pilots see at night? The answer is quite simple, no, they don't actually see anything at night.