Can a 16 and 15 year old stay in a hotel UK?

Can a 16 and 15 year old stay in a hotel UK? Can 16 year olds stay in a hotel alone UK? Children aged 16 or 17 years will be permitted to stay in separate room(s) under the responsibility of the parent or guardian and the parent or guardian must also stay in the hotel at all times the children are within the hotel.

Can you book a hotel at 16 in France?

The minimum age in France is 16 for hotels, but you probably need an authorisation letter from your parents and the stay may also need to be paid in advance or guaranteed by an adult's credit card. There may be lower age limits for youth hostels but generally such bookings need to be made by schools or parents.

Can a 16 and 17 year old stay in a hotel UK?

In the UK, there is no law restricting hotel check-in ages, but most hotels require guests to be 18+. Some may allow 16-17 with parental consent.

What is the hotel law in the UK?

Under the Hotel Proprietors Act 1956, a hotel can only refuse to let a room to a walk-in guest with no booking if that guest appears unable or unwilling to pay, or is not in a fit state to be received.

Can you stay in a hotel at 15 UK?

Anyone under the age of 18 does not have the same legal capacity as an adult to enter into a contract, such as making a room booking. You can accept bookings for someone under 18 to stay, but you should be careful.

Can a 17 year old stay with a 18 year old in a hotel?

No, it is not illegal for a minor aged couple to stay in a hotel room. However, most hotels will require that the couple provide proof of age and parental consent before they can check-in. Additionally, some states may have laws prohibiting minors from staying in hotel rooms without an adult present.

Can you check into a hotel without ID?

While an ID is typically required, some hotels may accept alternative forms of identification. For example, if you are a foreign national and do not have a US driver's license or passport, the hotel may accept your government-issued ID card or even a credit card with your name on it.

Can 2 17 year olds stay in a hotel alone?

Most hotels and other accommodations require that guests be at least 18 years of age in order to check-in. However, there may be some exceptions depending on the location and type of accommodation. For example, some hostels may allow minors with parental consent or supervision from an adult guardian.

Do hotels ask for ID?

Generally, checking into a hotel without an ID is not recommended and is often not possible. Most hotels require a form of government-issued identification, like a driver's license or passport, for security reasons and to verify the person's identity who is checking into the room.

Do hotels ID everyone?

Most hotels require guests to present a valid form of identification, such as a driver's license or passport, when checking in. This is often done to verify the guest's identity and ensure that they are over the age of 18, as many hotels have policies that prohibit minors from staying without an adult.