Can 747-8 fly supersonic?

Can 747-8 fly supersonic? No. Boeing 747 cannot break the sound barrier because of aerodynamics. Its wings are way too thick for that, its wing profile unsuitable and its fuselage way too wide - it would buffet itself apart before the speed of sound would be exceeded. The fastest subsonic airliner has been Convair 990 Coronado.

Why is supersonic banned?

Fifty years ago, the federal government banned all civilian supersonic flights over land. The rule prohibits non-military aircraft from flying faster than sound so their resulting sonic booms won't startle the public below or concern them about potential property damage.

How far can the 747-8 fly?

With a range of 7,790 nautical miles (14,430 km), the 747-8 Intercontinental can connect nearly any major city pair in the world. The new 747-8 is the right size for the large airplane market, lowering risk for airlines in a highly variable operating environment.

Can a 777 go supersonic?

Why does the Boeing 777 sound like a four engine aircraft when it flies over? No, it is not supersonic. The speed of sound (Mach 1) is approximately 767 mph or 661 knots, so the Boeing 777 flying at 660 knots would be subsonic. However, that's still a very impressive speed!

Can any jet go Mach 9?

No airplane has ever gone this fast. The speediest airplane ever built is Lockheed's SR-71 Blackbird, which traveled at Mach 3.2. Anything above Mach 9 and you lose communications with the ground, as plasma starts enveloping the vehicle, as if it were a spacecraft returning to Earth through the upper atmosphere.

Why is it illegal to go supersonic?

Fifty years ago, the federal government banned all civilian supersonic flights over land. The rule prohibits non-military aircraft from flying faster than sound so their resulting sonic booms won't startle the public below or concern them about potential property damage.

Could a 747 go supersonic?

The wings of a 747 are nowhere near strong enough to mount an engine capable of supersonic flight. Generally, engines used in aircraft like the Concorde or the F-22 are skinny and long. They also weigh quite a fair amount, further requiring a complete overhaul of the way the engines would be supported.

What is the fastest a 747 has ever flown?

Aided by a more powerful jet stream than usual, this rapid journey saw the 747 reach a top speed of 825 mph. Photo: Markus Mainka I Shutterstock. Popular Mechanics reports that the reason for it being so powerful on this occasion was a 'bomb cyclone' near Greenland.