Can 16 year olds drink with meal in Spain?

Can 16 year olds drink with meal in Spain? According to Spanish law, children aged 16 or 17 can consume beer, wine, or cider when accompanied by their parents or legal guardians. This exception is different than places like Costa Rica, where the drinking age is 18 regardless of whether you are with your parents.

Is 16 a minor in Spain?

Under Spanish law a person under 18 is considered as a child and always has all the protection derived from its status as a minor. A young person in Spain is between 15 and 24 years, persons aged 15 to 17 are children and young people, and 18 to 24 are young but already adults.

Do Spanish bars check ID?

As said you won't be asked, but take a copy of passport or driving licence just in case. Am sure by law you are supposed to carry your passport at all times, but very few do.

What happens if you get caught with a fake ID in Spain?

The penalty of imprisonment of six months to one year and a fine of three to six months will be imposed on the person who knowingly uses a false identity document.

What is the drinking age in Spain all inclusive?

The legal drinking age in Spain is 18 years or older, without exceptions. However, minors can responsibly drink alcohol in restaurants when accompanied by their parents.

Can police ask for ID Spain?

Personal ID You must provide photo ID if requested by a police officer. This includes the Guardia Civil and national, regional and local police forces. The police have the right to hold you at a police station until they have confirmed your identity.

What is the 6 drink rule in all inclusive Spain?

According to the decree-law, it means that in all-inclusive hotels there will be a maximum of six alcoholic drinks per day (3 at lunch and 3 at dinner). Also, the sale of alcohol in shops is prohibited between 9:30 pm and 8 am, and also advertising which encourages the consumption of alcohol is prohibited.

Do they ID in Spain?

In conclusion, while it is not strictly mandatory to carry ID at all times in Spain, it is in the best interest of residents, including foreigners, to have a government-issued ID card or passport readily available.

What are the new rules for all inclusive in Spain?

Where does the six drink rule apply in Spain? Six alcoholic drinks are only allowed if you're on an all inclusive holiday. This means you can have up to three at lunch, and three at dinner. The drink limit only impacts those on all inclusive holidays in certain areas of the Balearic islands.

Can you drink at 16 in Spain with parents?

Drinking in Spain However, those under the age of 18 can buy beer or wine if they are with their parents, and there's no minimum age for drinking alcohol inside the home, so it's up to parents to decide whether they think their child should be allowed to drink.