Are there white sharks in Mauritius?

Are there white sharks in Mauritius? This shark is very rare in Mauritian waters but there have been some sightings in recent years. These have been in the south of Mauritius and around the northern islands. Some Great Whites have been caught by sports fishermen but fortunately this is very rare.

Can you swim in Mauritius beaches?

You'll find stunning white sand beaches all around the island, plus clear, calm lagoons perfect for snorkelling, swimming and paddleboarding. There are also offshore islets like Ilot Gabriel and Ile aux Cerfs, where you can spend the day on the beach.

Is the sea safe in Mauritius?

Although the sea may look calm, there are strong, invisible currents in the lagoons and open seas around Mauritius. It's important to always swim within designated areas and to never swim alone or unsupervised.

Can I drink tap water in Mauritius?

Most Mauritians are used to drinking tap water and eating in food stalls at every street corner. However, those not used to it should avoid doing so, as severe food poisoning may occur. It is thus advisable to drink mineral water and accept ice cubes only in hotels that treat tap water.

Are there crocodiles in Mauritius?

The massive colony of crocodiles quickly became the highlight of Crocodile Park Mauritius, where you can hold baby Nile crocodiles to pose for a picture and see them grow into massive fierce beasts of a few years.

Are there sea snakes in Mauritius?

The yellow-bellied sea snake 'Pelamus platura' is one. of five snake species found in Mauritius.

Is snorkeling safe in Mauritius?

Other than the southern coast, Mauritius is almost entirely encircled by a coral reef, making it an excellent destination for snorkelling.

Can you swim in Mauritius waterfall?

If you fly over the clear turquoise waters off the southwest coast of our island, you'll spot what looks like an underwater waterfall in Mauritius. It may look dramatic, but you can actually swim – and surf – over the 'waterfall' below.

What to be careful in Mauritius?

To protect yourself from crime:
  • be aware of your surroundings and alert to suspicious behaviour.
  • watch your belongings on buses and taxis, especially at night.
  • avoid using ATMs on the street. ...
  • don't go out alone after dark or to isolated places, especially on foot.

Do you get jellyfish in Mauritius?

During certain times of the year, jellyfish can be found in the waters around Mauritius, and they can cause painful stings. The Box jellyfish is also found in the waters of Mauritius. It is known for its highly venomous nature and painful sting.

Is it safe to swim in Mauritius sharks?

Most shark species, even the notorious bull and tiger sharks, are unlikely to attack a diver if the latter does not provoke them or carry bloody foods. Experienced divers on Mauritius often compare sharks to the many stray dogs that roam the island: an animal that should be respected but not feared.