Are there safe hot springs in Yellowstone?

Are there safe hot springs in Yellowstone? Visiting the hot springs in and around Yellowstone National Park is a must-do on any trip to northwestern Wyoming. Only a couple are safe for swimming within the park, though you can find a few more safe, soakable options outside of it.

Do you wear swimsuits in hot springs?

They will list the current temperature of the water as well as the maximum amount of minutes to stay in at a time. For the most part, almost all commercial hot springs in North America require swimsuits so always err on the side of caution and keep that suit on. Even if you see someone remove their suit – wait.

When should you not go in a hot springs?

Avoid pools that are hotter than 120 degrees. Hot springs can raise heart rate and blood pressure, and can pose a threat to people with health conditions. Pregnant women should consult a doctor before soaking in hot springs, especially during the first trimester.

Can you swim in fire hole Yellowstone?

Swimming is only permitted during designated hours. The Firehole Swim area is closed at night. Bathing suits are required. No food, drink, or alcohol allowed.

Do you wear clothes at hot springs?

While clothing may be optional at your desired hot spring, it's always smart to have one on hand! You never know who could be there when you arrive, and it might feel weird or uncomfortable to be nude if you see a family with small children soaking in the pool you want to use.

What do I need to know before going to hot springs?

Things You Need to Know Before Visiting Hot Springs
  1. Leave No Trace. I always hope that this goes without saying, but you never know because everyones experience level with recreating in the outdoors varies. ...
  2. Check the Temperature. ...
  3. Stay Hydrated - Bring a Water Bottle.

How long can you sit in hot springs?

We recommend getting out of the water for 5 minutes every 15 minutes or so. This largely depends on the temperature of the pool you're in. You might need to get out more often in a hotter pool and less in a mild pool. Listen to your body.

Are all hot springs safe to swim in?

Hot-spring water is usually fairly safe from the standpoint of carrying disease-causing organisms, but some is not (see below under Stay healthy), and the surface water that cools a scalding spring to usable temperatures will be prone to the same bugs and pathogens as any other surface water.