Are there restrooms on the trains in Portugal?

Are there restrooms on the trains in Portugal? Most of the trains (other than the regional) I've been on in Portugal and the rest of Europe have toilets.

Do trains look through your bags?

They do random bag checks sometimes, but they don't make everything go through security like at the airport.

What is the Interrail overnight rule?

If you're travelling on a night train that arrives at your destination after midnight, your journey will show on the ticket of the travel day of your departure. This is the ticket you need to show to the ticket inspector, even if it's past midnight.

Do trains from Lisbon have bathrooms?

Yes they all do, but on buses especially there is no 100% guarantee they will be in service. Porto to Lisbon trains have several cars so there will be more than one available.

Do passenger trains have toilets?

in the US, pretty much every passenger train has toilets..

What does WC mean in train?

Originally Answered: what is the meaning/significance of WC written above the doors of AC compartments in trains? WC is derived from water closet (flush toilet), and is commonly used on signs to indicate the location of a public toilet.

What is a bathroom called in Europe?

WC stands for Water Closet. It references a toilet. This is not to be mistaken with a bathroom, however. A bathroom indicates a room that includes not only a toilet, but a facility in which to take a bath (or shower), too. Why is a toilet sometimes refered to as a Water Closet in Europe?

Why are bathrooms labeled WC?

To start, WC is an abbreviation standing for 'water closet', a name used in the 1900's for a toilet, due to most being fitted in a spare closet or cupboard. Over time WC has been used instead of bathroom to describe a room with a toilet but no bath.

How do I avoid Eurail reservation fees?

If you're traveling on a budget, remember that most slower national and regional trains don't require seat reservations, so if you're willing to take the scenic route you can often avoid the extra cost.

Are toilets available on trains?

Passenger trains usually have toilets, and the on-board lavatory takes many forms. The simplest train toilets are those called Drop Chute Toilets or Hopper Toilets.

Can you go to the toilet on a train when its not moving?

Can you go to the toilet on a train when its not moving? As a general rule, people travelling on trains are warned not to flush the on board toilet while it's not moving. That's because most trains don't have sewage tanks, meaning anything in the toilet is dumped straight onto the tracks.

What is the 7pm rule?

Here's how the 7pm rule works If your overnight train is leaving after 7pm then you can put in the following day's date on your rail pass and use one rather than two days of travel for the overnight trip. Simple!

How many toilets are there on a train?

There is generally at least one toilet every four carriages.

Do trains have bathrooms?

Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Many passenger trains (usually medium and long-distance) have toilet facilities, often at the ends of carriages.

Do night trains count as two travel days?

If you are on a train (night train) after midnight, you do not need to enter another day of travel in your Interrail ticket. You just stay on the train until you get off. Only the day of departure is therefore a day of travel.