Are there mosquitoes in Fiji?

Are there mosquitoes in Fiji? Just as much as we love the warm weather in Fiji, the mosquitoes love it too. But despite popular belief, the mosquitoes are not THAT bad in Fiji. You certainly won't see mosquitoes in their swarms compared to other tropical countries. What's more, Fiji is free from malaria, yellow fever and major tropical diseases.

Do you tip in Fiji?

No need to tip In Fiji, tipping isn't necessary or expected. But if you decide to tip, it will be greatly appreciated – and most likely shared among the employees of whatever restaurant or business you're tipping.

How can we prevent food poisoning in Fiji?

Food Safety Tips for Fiji Try to eat food that has been cooked in front of you. Vegetarian food is usually a safer option than eating meat or fish. Avoid gastro bugs by using hand disinfectant and only eating cooked food. If you get diarrhoea, drink water regularly and alternate between electrolytes and water.

What is the drinking age in Fiji?

The rules and regulations
Firstly, the legal drinking age is 18. Secondly, you should know when to stop partying in Fiji - it is illegal to show up at an airport, or get on a plane, while under the influence of alcohol.