Are there lots of mosquitoes in Puerto Vallarta?

Are there lots of mosquitoes in Puerto Vallarta? Mosquitoes are not to be taken lightly when staying in the vicinity of the jungle in Puerto Vallarta. One chooses to holiday in paradise but one must realize there are often caveats in heaven. We can name very few but we are completely aware of the mosquito's existence being one of them.

Can you get sick from mosquito bites in Mexico?

These diseases, including things such as malaria, yellow fever and the zika virus. If you're planning on travelling to Mexico soon, then you need to be prepared for mosquitoes. Without the proper protection and planning, you could end up catching some nasty infections that could leave you hospitalised.

How do you keep mosquitoes from biting you in Mexico?

Protect Yourself from Mosquitoes When Traveling to Mexico
  1. Protect yourself with an EPA-registered insect repellent.
  2. Apply sunscreen before applying repellent.
  3. Wear long sleeved shirts and long pants.
  4. Keep doors and windows closed or make sure they are covered with in-tact screens.