Are there heads on London Bridge?

Are there heads on London Bridge? The lofty heads included, at different times, those of William Wallace, Thomas More, Bishop John Fisher and Thomas Cromwell, though we doubt the passer-by could have recognised individuals; the heads were dipped in tar as a preservative so facial recognition must have been impaired.

Are London Bridge and Tower Bridge the same?

London Bridge might be famous in nursery rhymes, but it's much less impressive than Tower Bridge. Built in 1973, it's a functional bridge for cars and pedestrians. It's only about a 10-minute walk from Tower Bridge, but they're worlds apart in terms of looks and cool stuff to do.

What is the only bridge in London that can be raised?

Tower Bridge is the only bridge on the Thames that can be raised. Today the bridge is a major crossing for over 40,000 people on a daily basis.

What are 5 facts about London Bridge?

Fun Facts About The London Bridge
  • Kaboom! The vintage lamps on the bridge are made from the melted-down cannons of Napoleon Bonaparte's army.
  • The London Bridge is rumored to be haunted. ...
  • The inside of the bridge is hollow because it was rebuilt in order to accommodate auto traffic. ...
  • The London Bridge is a movie star!