Are there body requirements to be a flight attendant?

Are there body requirements to be a flight attendant? Height-wise, attendants should be between 5'2” and 6'3” without shoes. They do not allow facial piercings or visible tattoos – even if concealed. A high school degree is required, with 2 or more years of college preferred.

How far back do airline background checks go?

The past ten years of employment must be reviewed while the most recent five years must be verified in writing, including documentation of date and method of how contact was made. A contact person must also be listed on the record indicating from whom verification information was obtained.

Can you lose weight as a flight attendant?

Can you lose weight as a flight attendant? Flight attendants spend many nights in hotels, most of which offer free gym access. An elliptical machine offers low-impact calorie burning, while running on a treadmill can burn more calories in a shorter period of time.

Do flight attendants have weight?

Flight attendants have no set weight requirements, as body types can vary even if two people are the same height and weight. It's impossible to give a size or weight for the jumpseat because some harnesses are smaller than others, and people carry weight differently.

Do flight attendants get paid off the plane?

Flight attendants are only paid for their flight time. This means they are not compensated when they are walking through the airport to get to a gate or waiting for the aircraft to arrive. Their time clock does not start until the cabin door is closed.

What disqualifies you from being a flight attendant?

Aviation Authority Background Check: (FAA / CAA etc)
Certain previous convictions such as crimes involving an aircraft or any violent crime, felony or time spent in jail would prevent you from being able to work as a Flight Attendant. What is this?

What is the body type for a flight attendant?

It's a physical job, but not all flight attendants must be slim and trim. You do, however, have to fit into the flight attendant jumpseat. Flight attendants have no set weight requirements, as body types can vary even if two people are the same height and weight.

Do you get free flights as a flight attendant?

Free flights and travel opportunities
This means many flight attendants can fly for free on their company airlines even when they are not working. Airlines typically offer these free flights on standby, which means the paying customers get on first, and then any extra seats can go to crew members .

What are the chances of getting hired as a flight attendant?

About Flight Attendant Jobs
Out of the thousands of applicants each year, only four percent are hired to fill the approximate 8,000 annual new hires. The appeal of travel makes this a highly competitive job, but the harsh reality of 12 to 14 hour work days often discourages many new employees.

What is the maximum age for flight attendant?

At 21 years old, you can apply to be a flight attendant with any airline. Minimum age requirements typically apply at the time of training completion, so candidates who will reach an airline's minimum age during training can apply for flight attendant roles. There is no upper age limit for flight attendants.

Is being a flight attendant hard on your body?

U.S. flight attendants have a higher prevalence of several forms of cancer, including breast cancer, uterine cancer, gastrointestinal cancer, thyroid cancer, and cervical cancer, when compared with the general public, according to new research from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Is the life of a flight attendant good?

Flight attendants have unique and interesting jobs. They work long hours, often in difficult and cramped conditions. But they also get to see the world and meet new people. It's a challenging and rewarding career and one that is full of surprises.

What is the nail length for flight attendants?

Hawaiian Airlines is reported to advise that: “Hands and nails should be kept well groomed at all times, with nail length not exceeding an eighth of an inch beyond the finger tip, while United Airlines outlines that finger nails “may be no longer than ½ inch measured from the fingertip and should be even in length and ...

What is the hardest airline to get a job as a flight attendant?

For aspiring flight attendants, Delta Air Lines, ranked by its employees as one of the best places to work, is also one of the most difficult places to get a job. It's harder to get invited to Delta flight attendant training than it is to get into Harvard University.

What is the dark side of being a flight attendant?

But the unique pressures of flight attendants' lifestyles can complicate recovery: They are at high risk of occupational injury, including back problems, stress, and shift work disorder, which can result in excessive sleepiness or losing consciousness for seconds at a time.

What is the ideal weight for a flight attendant?

It's a physical job, but not all flight attendants must be slim and trim. You do, however, have to fit into the flight attendant jumpseat. Flight attendants have no set weight requirements, as body types can vary even if two people are the same height and weight.

Are flight attendants hired based on looks?

These include physical fitness, grooming standards, and age requirements. Being attractive is not the only criterion for being a successful flight attendant. In fact, airlines place a greater emphasis on customer service skills and personality.

How do flight attendants have to wear their hair?

Grooming Rules for Female Attendants
While every airline has a different standard, many impose these restrictions: Must have natural-looking hair color, like black, brown, and red. The hair must not cover the face. The hair must appear clean, healthy, and well-maintained.