Are there bears at Arches?

Are there bears at Arches? Bears. Black bears occasionally wander into the park from the nearby mountains.

Are there bears in Zion?

Seeing an American Black Bear in Zion National Park is rare but not unheard of. Since bear sightings are so rare each one, even a possible siting, should be reported to park officials. It is important to know the procedure for bear encounters on the off chance that you may see one.

Are there predators in Arches National Park?

Mountain lions and bobcats are two of the most notable predators that inhabit the park. Mountain lions primarily feed on the park's mule deer, while bobcats feed heavily on the park's rabbits and birds.

Do I need bear spray for Zion?

In general, no need. I camp in bear country all the time with no gun. Preventive measures of not leaving food out for them to smell will go much further to be safe than a gun Bear spray is also much more effective than a gun.