Are there any rivers that run backwards?
Are there any rivers that run backwards? Illinois is home to the only river in the world that flows backwards. The Chicago River, known mainly for the different colors it is dyed to celebrate different events and holidays, has been a hallmark of Chicago since the earliest days of the city.
What is the only river that flows uphill?
Antarctica river There's a river that flows uphill beneath one of Antarctica's ice sheets, according to Robin Bell, a professor of geophysics at Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in New York.
What is the only river in the world that changes direction?
Why the Tonle Sap River Is Unlike Any Other River in the World. In this week's Maphead column, Ken Jennings explains how one river in Cambodia ends up changing direction a few times every year.
What is the only river in the world to cross the equator twice?
Congo is the only major river which crosses the equator twice. It is the second largest river in Africa after Nile and the second largest river in the world. Congo has a total length of 4,370 km and area about 4,000,000 km sq . Was this answer helpful?
What is the only river that flows south to north?
Key Points: Most rivers in the world flow downhill, often South, due to gravity. The Nile River is an exception to this rule, flowing from South to North. Other rivers have the ability to flow different directions due to where sloping occurs away from their headwaters.
What river flows north?
According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, four of the world's 10 longest rivers flow generally northward: the Nile, the Mackenzie-Peace (in Canada) the Ob and the Lena (in Siberia). In fact, NASA says that there are rivers flowing north on every continent.