Are the waves big in Puerto Rico?

Are the waves big in Puerto Rico? Puerto Rico is the ideal surfing destination: warm waters year-round, fun local surfing culture, and conditions ranging from easy, two-foot waves over a sandy bottom to tall, fast-moving barrels with reef breaks. Surf shops abound, many offering board rentals, lessons, or guided experiences.

What should I be careful of in Puerto Rico?

SAFETY CONCERNS IN PUERTO RICO. There are safety concerns, however. Like Mexico and some other Caribbean islands, there's a high level of gun crime, drug trafficking and gang activity, and the homicide rate is relatively high.

Which side of Puerto Rico is best for beaches?

Home to some of the best beaches on the Island, the west region is the undisputed surfing capital of Puerto Rico – and the Caribbean – and features the best sunsets on the Island. The feel on the west side is different from the hustle and bustle of the San Juan metropolitan area.

Is it safe to surf in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico Surf Hazards: Sure, cabrón: Sea urchins, sharp, shallow reef, jellyfish and strong currents are the most common threats; sharks are out there but most locals don't pay 'em any mind and there's never been a shark attack on a surfer.

Where is the biggest wave in USA?

Mavericks Beach, California Mavericks Beach in Half Moon Bay, California is renowned for its powerful waves and is considered to have some of the largest surfable waves in the United States.

What island has the biggest waves?

Praia do Norte | Nazaré, Portugal Home to several Guinness World Records - including the largest wave ever ridden and biggest wave ever surfed by a woman - Nazaré's Praia do Norte is a rare natural phenomenon. Despite being a beach break, it is so powerful and heavy that some call it the surfboard-breaking machine.

Where not to swim in Puerto Rico?

Condado Beach, San Juan, Puerto Rico
A lot of people write on Trip Advisor that Condado Beach is very nice but very dangerous. Big waves, strong underflow, and rip currents scare people away.