Are the Cayman Islands a tax haven?

Are the Cayman Islands a tax haven? Key Takeaways. A tax haven is any location with very lenient or non-existent tax laws. The Cayman Islands don't have a corporate tax and act as a haven for multinational corporations to shield some or all of their incomes from taxation. The Cayman Islands do not impose taxes on residents and are considered tax neutral.

Do US cell phones work in Cayman Islands?

The Cayman Islands is a well-developed country that has two reliable cell phone network providers: Digicel and Flow. If you want to use your phone while on the island call your provider so that they can turn on international roaming for you and your phone should work while you're on the island.

Can a US citizen live in Cayman Islands?

Secure a Residency Certificate for Persons of Independent Means. If you would like to live in Grand Cayman, you must demonstrate that you earn at least US$150,000 a year outside the Cayman Islands. You also need to make a local investment of US$1.2 million (of which US$600,000 must be in developed real estate).

Can you drive in Cayman Islands with US license?

Driving requirement Non-residents are not required to get a visitor's permit to drive in Grand Cayman. You can drive as long as you have a valid driver's license and insurance. Visitors from a non-convention country with a valid driver's license can drive on the island for 1 month.