Are shorts allowed in Jerusalem?

Are shorts allowed in Jerusalem? So, the short answer is – yes, you can wear shorts in Jerusalem. But still, Jerusalem is not Tel Aviv. It has a much more conservative population. Therefore, you might get stares if you wear REALLY short pants or an undershirt.

What can you not bring to Israel?

Instead of what to pack for your trip, you should focus more on what not to bring to Israel. Don't carry Koran or any book in Arabi language. Your clothes should not have any religious or political prints on them. Refrain from toy weapons or anything that might raise suspicion against you.

Do tourists wear shorts in Israel?

The day-to-day attire consists of really whatever you are comfortable wearing. T-shirts, shorts, pants, sandals, and sneakers are completely acceptable. Maybe a hat and some sunglasses are advised in the summertime.

Should I carry cash in Israel?

You should bring around 300$ in cash to Israel. You can order shekels from your bank here before you leave, but it is easier to exchange in Israel. Avoid changing too much money in the airport; exchange rates are bad there. However, you may want to change ~$50 to shekels for transportation to where you are staying.

What should I wear in the Holy Land?

-Make sure you dress respectfully at all times, as you may be refused entry to churches and shrines. Shoulders and knees should be covered and shorts are not always accepted. -Bargaining is vital and expected when out shopping but also when arranging services such as taxis.

Can you wear crop tops in Jerusalem?

Stay away from any crop tops and avoid showing cleavage. What is this? Even if you aren't on a specifically religious tour, it's better to be more covered and modest when in Jerusalem.

Do men have to wear pants in Jerusalem?

Men should be okay with a short-sleeved shirt, but long pants are still recommended. If you won't meet the Modesty Squad's criteria of modesty, they will give you some more modest clothes to wear.

Should I carry my passport with me in Israel?

It is advisable to make a photocopy of your passport and carry it with you. Visits to Bethlehem require a passport.