Are pop up tents allowed at Destin beach?

Are pop up tents allowed at Destin beach? Am I allowed to take a pop up tent on the beach? The City of Destin does not prohibit the placement of a pop up canopy on beaches within the city limits. Please note that leaving canopies on the beaches overnight may interfere with the beach cleaning services or may impede possible turtle nesting activities.

Can I use a canopy at the beach?

Beach canopies are just as portable and convenient as traditional beach umbrellas, while offering a lot more shade and sun protection — and to more people at once.

What are people looking for at night on the beach in Destin?

After the sun sets, the beach is a whole new playground! Bring a bucket and some red flashlights (the red light protects local sea turtles) and search for ghost crabs scurrying across the sand.