Are people in Tunisia friendly?

Are people in Tunisia friendly? The people of Tunisia are warm, friendly and welcoming to visitors. They're interested in knowing what brought you to Tunisia, what you think about their home, and if you've tried their favorite dish.

What should female tourists wear in Tunisia?

Cotton or other natural fibre shirts or t-shirts, teamed with cotton trousers or an ankle length skirt, are good and remember to cover your shoulders or you will be looked at. Short tops, short skirts/shorts, tight or body-revealing clothes etc. should be avoided altogether.

Can you hug in Tunisia?

Some people are handsy or tactile more than others. During Ramadan and in public spaces, try to keep your hands in your pockets. For instance, if you're strolling in La Medina, try not to kiss or hug. In crowded places, this may be provocative and offensive.

What is safer Morocco or Tunisia?

Safety - normal precautions in both countries and should have no problems. Food - restaurants outside hotel have found much better for quality and variety in Morocco. Hassle - would say no better or worse in either.

Can an American marry a Tunisian?

In Tunisia, marriage may occur between Foreign men and foreign women provided each party obtains from their respective embassies the documents required by the Tunisian authorities prior to marriage.

Can I stay with my girlfriend in a hotel in Tunisia?

No, you have no right to live with her or to rent a hotel room with her, unless you're married, it is illegal. However, not everybody respect the law in Tunisia, so technically you can't but in reality it is possible.

Is Tunisia friendly to Americans?

The United States and Tunisia have enjoyed strong diplomatic relations for over 200 years.