Are people in St. Croix friendly?
Are people in St. Croix friendly? You will find St. Croix to be safe, very friendly and very relaxing!
Is St. Croix safe from hurricanes?
Croix, and St. John) is usually from July to November with peak season occurring in October and September. The USVI is at risk for hurricanes or tropical storms from June 1 to November 30, with the peak period starting in mid-August and ending before October 31.
How do you stay safe in St. Croix?
We suggest that you use the same precautions you would whenever you are in an unfamiliar place: don't carry a lot of cash with you (there are plenty of ATM's on the island to resupply as you go), lock your doors at night, don't leave any valuables in your vehicle or on any beach unattended, don't walk into dark areas ...
Is St Thomas or St. Croix nicer?
Thomas, the most developed, is brimming with activities and world-class shopping. St. Croix, bigger but sleepier, is the place to go for diving, snorkeling, and beach life. Both extend a warm welcome and both have interesting culture away from the beach.
Is there a lot of poverty on St. Croix?
Croix had the highest poverty rate of the islands at 40.6% (nearly the same as the rate in 2013: 40.5%). In St. Thomas, 34% of children lived in families in poverty (up from 29% in 2013). In St.
Is it safe to travel to St. Croix alone?
Yes, St Croix is generally considered safe to travel alone. However, as with any destination, it is important to exercise caution and be aware of your surroundings. Be sure to research the area before you travel and take the necessary safety precautions.
Why are people leaving the Virgin Islands?
First of all, it is not because of political instability or because the Virgin Islands is a war-torn zone; rather, it is because of these unfortunate factors: lack of employment and low salaries, and, sadly for an island under the canopy of democracy, opposition political groupings.
Does St. Croix have partying?
While St. Croix is not known for it's nightlife, many restaurants, bars and hotels feature live music with everything from pop to reggae to jazz, including piano bars. You can also find several Traditional West Indian Dance and musical troupes. There are many other events and festivals held throughout the year.
Are people in St. Croix nice?
The Natives Croix are called Crucians, sometimes spelled 'Cruzan'. Crucians are very friendly but are reserved people. Behavior that is loud and boisterous is often times frowned upon.
Is liquor expensive in St. Croix?
Taxes on beer, wine, and spirits in the US Virgin Islands is very low. In particular, you will find that spirits are much more favorably priced than elsewhere. You can take take 6 bottles back with you as long as one of the bottles is a product made in the Virgin Islands such as rum.
Is Saint Croix touristy?
One of the three U.S. Virgin Islands—which includes Saint John and Saint Thomas—St. Croix is often overlooked for its more tourist- and cruise-centric siblings. But it's precisely this lack of overt commercialism that siren calls first-time vacationers, repeat visitors, and lifelong locals in the know.
Is it OK to drink tap water in St. Croix?
The water in town and at most hotels is perfectly safe to drink. If you are in doubt simply ask. The water at most of the villas on the island is collected rain water that is stored in cisterns below the villas. It may be safe to drink, but we recommend buying bottled water for drinking purposes.