Are flight attendants happy with their job?

Are flight attendants happy with their job? Flight attendants are about average in terms of happiness. At CareerExplorer, we conduct an ongoing survey with millions of people and ask them how satisfied they are with their careers. As it turns out, flight attendants rate their career happiness 3.3 out of 5 stars which puts them in the top 43% of careers.

How hard is the life of flight attendant?

But being a flight attendant is also a lot of work. There are long hours, early mornings, and late nights. There are also strict safety regulations that must be followed at all times. And while it can be tough juggling all of the different responsibilities, they always manage to keep things running smoothly.

Do flight attendants get free living?

After the training, flight attendants are assigned a base (Kelly was given Philadelphia) and have five days to move to it. From here you have several options for housing. Most stay in what's called a “crash pad” where they pay $200 to $300 a month for a bed when they aren't flying.

Do flight attendants have a place to sleep?

Flight attendants on long-haul flights are provided with spaces to rest. Here's a photo of the crew rest area on a Boeing 787. Crew rest areas exist on all airplanes, but what these rest areas look like depends on the airline, aircraft and the length of the flight.

Can flight attendants have depression?

Some flight attendants manage anxiety or depression with highly addictive prescription drugs, including sleep medication or opioids to manage pain.

Is flight attendant a high stress job?

Because the job demands such a high level of emotional composure, flight attendants may learn to “stuff” their emotions, rather than coping in relative real time. These individuals often feel stuck with their struggles, and may resist seeking assistance from others.

Do airlines only hire attractive flight attendants?

Being attractive is not the only criterion for being a successful flight attendant. In fact, airlines place a greater emphasis on customer service skills and personality.

Do flight attendants have time for family?

Flexible schedule
Airline companies want crew members to be well-rested to ensure safe travel, so a company might limit the hours crew members can work. Many flight attendants work three days per week. This can be a great benefit for some people, as it allows more time for travel, family or personal interests.

Is it enjoyable to be a flight attendant?

Travel opportunities
Flight attendants also often enjoy pleasant views when they fly over landmarks and approach destination cities. The best part of it all is that they don't have to pay for their tickets, as they're getting to and from their destinations while on the job.

Can you request days off as a flight attendant?

1. A Flight Attendant may be granted a personal leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed one hundred and eighty (180) days. Requests for personal leave and mutually agreed upon start and end dates shall be in writing.

Do flight attendants deal with anxiety?

Flight attendants are trained in first aid – and this covers panic attacks and supporting people with anxiety on a flight. This training includes the questions they should ask someone having a panic attack and how to manage you out of one.

Is flight attendant a good job for introvert?

Introverts can also be amazing cabin crews! People like you are keen observers, hardworking, values deeper connection with people, and more. On the other hand, it doesn't mean that extroverted ones don't have what it takes to be a flight attendant.

Is it hard being in a relationship with a flight attendant?

Flight attendants lead unique, fast-paced lives that can make dating them an exciting and rewarding experience. However, their unconventional schedules and frequent travels also bring about challenges that require understanding, patience, and adaptability from their partners.

What are the side effects of being a flight attendant?

Fatigue, Sleep, and Mental Health
The FAHS found an increased prevalence of adverse sleep and mental health outcomes such as anxiety, depression, and alcohol abuse among flight attendants (13). Fatigue and depression are symptoms that often coexist (35,36).

What are the odds of becoming a flight attendant?

Flight Attendant school has become ever more important. Historically, there has been around a 1% hiring rate. In other words, your chances of getting hired is 1 out of 100.

What is a flight attendants lifestyle like?

But being a flight attendant is also a lot of work. There are long hours, early mornings, and late nights. There are also strict safety regulations that must be followed at all times. And while it can be tough juggling all of the different responsibilities, they always manage to keep things running smoothly.

What is the hardest part about being a flight attendant?

Working long hours and being away from loved ones can be tough to deal with. However, I'm incredibly adaptable and am willing to make sacrifices as I see the job's value in allowing me to travel and experience new places. The physical aspect of the job, like standing for long periods, can be quite challenging.

How often are you gone as a flight attendant?

Typically, flight attendants work 12 to 14 days and log 65 to 85 flight hours on average each month, not including overtime. Flight attendants are only paid once the boarding doors are closed. There are two types of flight attendant schedules, reserve schedules, and fine holder schedules.

Do flight attendants make a good living?

Can you make a living as a flight attendant? Yes, you can make a decent living as a flight attendant. The median salary is $61,640 per year and there are many opportunities to make more than that based on your experience level, the airline you work for and even your geographic location.