Are Christmas Islanders Australian citizens?

Are Christmas Islanders Australian citizens? In 1958, the island was excised from Singapore and sovereignty was transferred to Australia. As part of the transfer, Australia paid Singapore £2,800,000 as compensation for lost phosphate revenue. Christmas Island became an Australian territory on 1 October 1958 – a day still celebrated on the island as Territory Day.

Are there mosquitoes on Christmas Island?

Bugs (like mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas) can spread a number of diseases in Christmas Island. Many of these diseases cannot be prevented with a vaccine or medicine. You can reduce your risk by taking steps to prevent bug bites.

Does Christmas Island have an airport?

Christmas Island International Airport Check-in counters are open two and a half hours before departure. Baggage carousels are located in the Arrivals Hall.

Is Christmas Island expensive to visit?

Christmas Island may not be high on the tourist radar, its expensive to get to, accommodation is also expensive but its unique in its own right. Randomly placed in the Indian ocean, not too far from Indonesia, its a great spot over for yachties.

Can you work on Christmas Island?

Working at Christmas Island is a challenging but immensely rewarding experience for anyone who wants to make a difference in a unique and highly fragile wilderness environment. Our current job vacancies are advertised on the Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water website.

Are dogs allowed on Christmas Island?

The importation of dogs and cats into Christmas Island is prohibited by the Importation of Dogs and Cats Ordinance 1973, due to concerns about environmental, social, cultural, animal health and welfare issues.

Can you drink alcohol on Christmas Island?

That means you can score a great deal on popular duty-free items such as fragrances, leather goods, electronics, jewellery, watches and sunglasses. It also means Christmas Island has some of the cheapest alcohol in Australia – perfect for treating yourself to a beer or a gin and tonic as the sun goes down.

Are there refugees on Christmas Island?

There are currently around 212 people held on Christmas Island around 90 of whom had protection, refugee or humanitarian visas, which were cancelled by the Minister of Home Affairs under their 'god-like' powers.

Can you drink the water on Christmas Island?

HEALTH, STDs & CRABS Tap water is available for drinking but we recommend bottled water only. The island does have a hospital. We recommend you have Travel Health Insurance.

What race is the population of Christmas Island?

Much of the western tip of the island is a national park. The population includes many ethnic Chinese, a small number of European ancestry, and Malay labourers recruited mainly from Malaysia, Singapore, and the Cocos (Keeling) Islands.

Can you stay on Christmas Island?

There are numerous holiday homes available for short-term stays on Christmas Island. They are a great option for families and larger groups, and having your own kitchen means you can make your holiday budget go further by not eating out.