Are California beaches too cold to swim in?

Are California beaches too cold to swim in? But on that same beach, it's not uncommon to see kids shivering as they run out of the water, or a surfer wearing a partial wetsuit as they jog out for a session. California's ocean water is pretty cold, even in the summer, and it often catches visitors off-guard.

Is it too cold to swim in San Diego?

Water temperatures range from the low 50s in winter to the low 70s in the summer. If you plan to spend a lot of time in the water during non-summer months, you'll want to wear a close-fitting wetsuit.

How warm do California beaches get?

Warmest water – The ocean off Newport Beach and at Avalon on Santa Catalina Island typically heats up to 70 degrees F (21 °C) in August. Highest temperature year round – Long Beach has an annual daily mean of 65 degrees F (18 °C).

Why is California beach water not clear?

It's about what's in the water Along certain coasts, finer particles like sand and silt can add to the water's murkiness since they're easily agitated and stay afloat for long periods. On the other hand, the sediments off clearer coasts may be heavier and coarser.

Are San Diego beaches swimmable?

With 113 kilometers (70 miles) of gorgeous coastline and tons of beaches, you'll enjoy lots of great swimming spots in this city. San Diego has warm waters, sandy shores, and plenty of activities for water recreation enthusiasts.

Are California beaches swimmable?

Scuba diving, remarkable beaches and whale watching abound, the coast of California is cherished by swimmers, divers and boaters alike. Catalina Island also has some of the most coveted beaches off the Southern Californian coast.