Are buses in Stamford CT free?
Are buses in Stamford CT free? The I-Bus provides a seven day a week interstate express connection between downtown Stamford, CT and White Plains, NY. Note: The Connecticut Department of Transportation (CTDOT) announced that all public transit buses will be fare-free across Connecticut through March 31, 2023.
Is express bus more expensive?
Express bus fares are now $7, up from $6.75. And seven-day unlimited-ride MetroCards are now $34 from $33 while 30-day unlimited MetroCards are $132 up from $127. The MTA says its seven-day best fare fare cap will allow OMNY customers to start their seven-day fare capping period any day of the week.
What is the difference between an express bus and a local bus?
Express buses operate on a faster schedule by not making as many stops as normal bus services and often taking quicker routes, such as along freeways, or by using dedicated lanes or roadways. Express buses may also operate out of park and rides, in some cases only during rush hour in the peak direction.