Are 2 days enough for Malta?

Are 2 days enough for Malta? We usually spend a weekend in Malta. We have been there several times, and we think that two days in Malta is a minimum to feel the atmosphere of the island. If you want to explore Gozo island, the Blue Lagoon and relax on the beach, we recommend going to Malta for a week.

Can you walk around Malta in a day?

Absolutely not. It's about 35km (20 miles) to walk the quickest route from end to end. To walk the perimeter would take much longer and parts of it's cliffs are quite rocky so you couldn't follow the sandy beach around.

Is Malta walkable?

There are some great walks on this beautiful isle and you could take a stroll by the secluded coastlines, trek the dramatic cliff tops or ramble the rugged countryside.

Do they speak English in Malta?

English is the predominant language in the northern and central regions of the islands, while Maltese is spoken widely throughout the southern and western parts of the archipelago. Lucky for us, most Maltese folks are at least bilingual — a recent census revealed that around 88% of them speak English.