Am I too old to be a train conductor?

Am I too old to be a train conductor? Technically, there is no maximum train driver age limit for driving provided you continue to pass the medicals. If you are starting as a Conductor the minimum age on entry is 18 because it is a safety critical job and you will be handling cash.

What are the benefits of being a train conductor?

As a train conductor, your salary may vary based on several factors, including your location, employer, experience and education. Depending on the company where you work, your position may also come with various benefits, such as: Health, dental, vision, life and disability insurance. Retirement savings plan.

How physical is a train conductor job?

Train conductors and yardmasters frequently: Sit for long periods of time. Use their hands to handle, control, or feel objects, tools, or controls. Repeat the same movements.

What is the average age of train conductors?

That said, the average age for a train conductor is 41.

Is it better to be a train conductor or engineer?

Because train engineers receive additional training and typically have more experience than conductors, they may earn a higher salary. Consider your budget and cost of living to decide whether a lower salary is enough for your needs if you're considering becoming a conductor.

Do train conductors have PTSD?

Railroad and subway drivers can experience psychological trauma when trains strike or nearly miss other trains, motor vehicles, or persons or become instruments of death.

What is the number 1 hardest job?

1. Pilot. Being a pilot is one of the toughest professions; in addition to always being on the go, airline pilots also must deal with weather delays, disgruntled or unruly passengers, and exposure to cosmic radiation.

Do train conductors make 6 figures?

Salary Ranges for Train Conductors The salaries of Train Conductors in the US range from $13,808 to $373,999 , with a median salary of $66,833 .

Do train conductors get days off?

May work nights, weekends, and holidays, since trains travel 24 hours a day, seven days a week. May work multiple shifts in one day. Choice of shift comes with seniority.

Do train conductors work everyday?

Q: Am I really on-call 24/7, 365 days/year? A: Yes, you are technically on-call 24/7, but you are allowed to book 24 hours' rest after travelling. During this time, you are not expected to work. You are also entitled to book your vacation and request for personal days off with approval from your supervisor.

Is train conductor a stressful job?

Conductors work long days (anywhere from 11 to 13 hours, typically), they have to maneuver heavy machinery in sometimes terrible weather conditions, and they can't really plan time off for birthdays, holidays, and anniversaries. A former conductor told Reddit: “It is a career that kills marriage.”