Am I sitting in or on the bus?

Am I sitting in or on the bus? He was sitting on a bus” is correct.. “In” is only used for cars and cabs..

Why do people say on the bus instead of in the bus?

The preposition “on” is used when we are referring to a wide/big vehicle where we can walk inside of it (e.g bus, train, airplane. etc.). On the other hand, the preposition “in” is used when we are referring to a vehicle which is narrow (car, ambulance, etc.).

Is it in a taxi or on a taxi?

GRAMMAR: Patterns with taxi• You say get in a taxi: He got in a taxi and left. ?Don't say: get on a taxi• You say get out of a taxi: Two women got out of the taxi. ?Don't say: get off a taxi• You say that someone is in a taxi: I read my notes while I was in the taxi.

Do you greet the bus driver?

A small survey of 77 drivers suggested a greeting from a passenger was meaningful to them, the researchers said. Of 116 passengers questioned at a bus station, 84% said they believed engaging with the driver had a positive impact, according to the findings.

Is it rude to talk on the bus?

If you're on public transit and have to take an important call that can't wait, keep it short and as quiet as you can. Don't get overly personal in your conversation either—no one needs to hear you describe symptoms to your doctor or tear your significant other a new one on their morning commute.